Muhammad Ali: Through The Eyes of His Daughter, Hana

For The Curious,

When I was 13 years old, Muhammad Ali was my childhood hero.

I couldn’t have imagined back then that I’d become friendly with members of his family.

It gives me pleasure to share my conversation with Muhammad’s daughter, Hana,

on this week’s episode of Big Questions. You can listen to it by clicking right here.

It coincides with the release of Hana’s book: At Home With Muhammad Ali.

At Home with Muhammad Ali .jpeg

It’s a look at a side of Muhammad that only Hana could see.

There are happy moments – seeing her dad stuffing his mouth with every piece of bubble gum in a pack as if he were a big kid.

There are beautiful moments – the way Muhammad took homeless people into his own home because he believed unoccupied rooms were a sin.

There are painful moments – coming across the love letters her dad wrote to try to salvage the marriage that had broken apart between him and Hana’s mom.

And there are moments of honesty that can come only from looking straight on at illness and death.

Through it all we see the unique capacity of this man to connect with the world.

Glad to be able to bring this to you.

Please send me a photo of where in the world you’re listening to it. Makes my day!



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